Aerolase® Neo Elite & Aesthetic Medical Laser in Missoula, MT

/ Aerolase® Neo Elite & Aesthetic Medical Laser
aerolase-mark-nestor-acne-months-after-treatment-bespoke-beauty-Missoula-MT | Bespoke Beauty |

Aerolase® Neo Elite & Aesthetic Medical Laser

Aerolase® Neo Elite is the latest aesthetic medical laser renowned for its exceptional performance in skin rejuvenation. This innovative device caters to diverse skin types and tones, ensuring a safe and comfortable treatment experience. The Aerolase® Neo Elite operates using a distinctive 650-microsecond technology, which targets melanin, hemoglobin, and water within the skin tissue. These elements are often the underlying factors in visible aging signs. This technology addresses common skin concerns with minimal discomfort and no downtime. It effectively treats various skin issues, including acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and even unwanted hair.

For those in Missoula, MT, seeking a top-tier skin rejuvenation solution, Bespoke Beauty offers the Aerolase® Neo Elite treatment. This service promises noticeable results, typically visible after the first few sessions, with continuous improvements. The duration of these results can vary, depending on individual skin types and conditions, but generally, they are long-lasting. Schedule your appointment with Bespoke Beauty today to experience the exceptional benefits of Aerolase® Neo Elite.



NeoSkin by Aerolase® offers a comprehensive solution for patients of all skin types to eliminate melasma and hyperpigmentation effectively. Melasma, a complex condition involving epidermal and dermal melanin and vascular components, typically demands an intricate approach for adequate clearance and recurrence prevention. The Aerolase Neo addresses these factors with its 650-microsecond laser energy, penetrating the dermis and epidermis to disperse melanin accumulations and reduce vasculature and inflammation. This treatment stands out due to the unique parameters of its laser energy, ensuring high tolerability and a reduced risk of adverse effects compared to conventional topical therapies or devices used for melasma.


NeoClear by Aerolase® is an effective, safe acne treatment for all ages and skin types, utilizing advanced 650-microsecond technology. One comprehensive treatment addresses critical acne causes—excess sebum, inflammation, and P. acnes bacteria. Its unique technology deeply penetrates the skin safely, reducing sebum, calming inflammation, and destroying bacteria to clear and prevent breakouts. Additionally, it stimulates collagen production, reducing acne scars and enhancing skin radiance.


Complete Face Rejuvenation
Package of 6: $1,750

NeoSkin offers a complete laser rejuvenation experience, targeting various skin concerns, including tone, texture, fine lines, wrinkles, veins, redness, and hyperpigmentation. This potent laser treatment delivers prompt results without any downtime. Customizable to meet your unique skin needs, NeoSkin is ideal whether you’re aiming for a radiant complexion or seeking to diminish signs of aging like dark spots and wrinkles. It’s specifically designed to cater to your individual skin goals. Complete Face Rejuvenation – Package of 6 $1,750


Full Face
Package of 4: $1,200

NeoSkin is suitable for individuals of all skin types and tones looking to address melasma and hyperpigmentation. Typically, melasma demands an extensive treatment plan for effective management and prevention of recurrence. However, with Aerolase Neo, our patients experience a safe, effective, and comfortable treatment that achieves the desired results in fewer sessions and without downtime. The Neo’s 650-microsecond laser technology effectively disperses melanin deposits, reducing vasculature and inflammation in the dermis and epidermis.

Rosacea, Redness, and Veins

Full Face
Package of 4: $1,050

Rosacea is a widespread skin condition characterized by redness and the development of veins and broken capillaries. NeoSkin tackles these issues effectively with its deep-penetrating energy, which targets and suppresses the inflammation responsible for the redness. Additionally, it coagulates the problematic veins and broken capillaries, allowing the body’s natural immune response to eliminate them gradually.

Psoriasis Clearance

Single Area
Package of 5: $600

Psoriasis, a skin condition caused by red, scaly patches often itchy and flaky, typically manifests on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp. The Neo Elite addresses psoriasis, ranging from mild to severe cases, through targeted UV light and bursts of heat. This treatment works by dismantling the hyperactive microvasculature and reducing circulation to the affected areas.


Package of 4: $900

Onychomycosis, or fungal nail infection, alters the toenail’s color, thickness, and quality. Laser treatments for this condition are safer and more effective than traditional methods like oral medications or topical creams.

PFB Treatment

Package of 3: $525

PFB, also known as Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, which can cause ingrown hairs, razor bumps, or beard bumps, is a joint irritation often from shaving. The Aerolase laser’s distinctive 650-microsecond pulse duration allows for rapid energy transmission through the skin, effectively treating the condition without overheating the epidermal melanin, making it suitable for all skin tones.

NeoClear Acne Laser Therapy

Complete Face NeoClear Treatment
Package of 6: $1,250

NeoClear effectively reduces the intensity of current acne outbreaks and decreases the frequency and severity of future ones. Its laser energy deeply penetrates the skin, generating heat around the sebaceous glands. This heat helps to lower sebum production, diminish inflammation, and eradicate P. acnes bacteria. NeoClear Acne laser therapy offers a safe and highly effective alternative to traditional acne treatments, avoiding common side effects. Unique to NeoClear, the 650 Microsecond Technology ensures a gentle and hygienic treatment, as the handpiece does not contact the skin, leaving active lesions undisturbed and preventing the spread of P. acnes bacteria.


Laser hair removal eliminates hair follicles using heat and energy while preserving the surrounding skin. The Aerolase Neo Elite laser provides a distinctively gentle and pain-free approach to removing unwanted hair, offering patients a comfortable treatment experience.

BENEFITS OF Aerolase® Neo Elite:


Almost anyone seeking skin rejuvenation, especially those with acne, rosacea, pigmentation issues, or unwanted hair, can benefit.
Results from Aerolase® Neo Elite treatments are typically visible after the first few sessions, with continued improvement over time. Each treatment enhances skin clarity and texture, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance.
The longevity of results varies but is generally long-lasting with proper skin care and follow-up treatments as needed.
There is no downtime, and side effects are minimal, usually limited to slight redness or swelling.
Before Aerolase® Neo Elite treatment, avoid sun exposure, refrain from waxing or tweezing, and cleanse the skin thoroughly. After the treatment, use high SPF sunscreen, select gentle skin care products, avoid heat exposure like hot showers and saunas, and keep hydrated for optimal skin recovery.
Expect a quick, comfortable session with minimal discomfort, typically lasting under 30 minutes.
aerolase-mark-nestor-acne-months-after-treatment-bespoke-beauty-Missoula-MT | Bespoke Beauty |

Aerolase® Neo Elite & Aesthetic Medical Laser

Aerolase® Neo Elite

The Aerolase Neo is an aesthetic medical laser that provides a premium patient experience unrivaled in dermatology and aesthetics. Uniquely gentle, the Neo offers complete skin rejuvenation in a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment for all skin types and tones. The Neo’s unique 650-microsecond technology is attracted to a combination of melanin, hemoglobin, and water in the skin tissue– which contribute to your skin’s signs of aging.

NeoSkin Treatment

NeoSkin by Aerolase allows patients of all skin types to comprehensively clear their melasma and hyperpigmentation. As a multi-factorial condition that can involve epidermal melanin, dermal melanin, and a vascular component, melasma typically requires a complex treatment regimen to achieve clearance and prevent recurrence. The Aerolase Neo helps patients to achieve clearance with a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment by addressing each of these factors. The Neo’s 650-microsecond laser energy is delivered into the dermis and epidermis to break up melanin deposits while shutting down vasculature and inflammation. Due to the unique parameters of the Neo’s energy, treatment is highly tolerable with minimal risk of adverse effects compared to traditional topical or device treatments for melasma.

NeoClear Treatment

NeoClear by Aerolase offers patients of all ages and skin types a new safe, effective, and tolerable treatment for acne using advanced 650-microsecond technology. NeoClear is a powerful acne treatment that eliminates the major factors causing acne including excess sebum production, inflammation, and the p. acnes bacteria. Typically, many different treatments, medications, or skin care options are required to address these factors, but NeoClear can achieve this with a single device. The unique settings of the 650-microsecond device allows energy to penetrate deeply into the skin within a highly safe and tolerable pulse to reduce sebum production, suppress inflammation, and destroy the p. acnes bacteria to help clear current acne breakouts and to stop them in the future. Also, the deep heating energy helps build collagen, which can reduce the appearance of acne scars and leave skin looking radiant.


Neoskin Rejuvenation

Pkg of 3 : $875
Pkg of 6 : $1750

NeoSkin by Aerolase advances rejuvenation and tightening to new levels by enabling a comprehensive treatment to address tone and texture, redness, pigmentation, laxity, and other unwanted skin structures in a single treatment with a single device.

NeoClear (Acne)

Pkg of 6 : $1,250
Pkg of 3 : $625

NeoClear is a special treatment as there are no side effects, is very comfortable for patients, and the results can be seen quickly – in as little as a single treatment.

PFB (Ingrown Hairs)

Pkg of 3 : $525

PFB(Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, i.e. ingrown hairs, razor bumps or beard bumps) is an irritating condition that is commonly caused by shaving. It often appears in patients of darker skin types, including tanned skin and skin types IV through VI.  


Pkg of 4 : $1,200

Management of melasma can be challenging and, with topical agents, may require long-term treatment. The Neo, however, can help patients achieve clearance with fewer treatments.  


Pkg of 4 : $1,050

Rosacea is a chronic disorder that is characterized by facial flushing and, with time, the gradual development of persistent facial redness and spider-like blood vessels.

Acne Scar Revision

Pkg of 4 : $1,050

Acne Scar revision refers to a treatment used to treat scars. The treatment is used to get rid of scars left behind by acne.


Pkg of 5 : $600

Aerolase 650 Microsecond Technology™ suppresses inflammation and coagulates the hypervasculature feeding plaque growth with deep-penetrating energy. Aerolase uniquely enables patients with psoriasis a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment.


Pkg of 3 : $750

The Aerolase Neo Elite is able to safely treat a broad range of visible blood vessels from angiomas and spider veins to large leg veins.  The Aerolase Neo Elite delivers a pulse of laser energy, which will cause the blood within the vein to coagulate and destroy the vessel.

Warts & Skin Tags

Pkg of 4 : $450
Individual : $135

Warts and skin tags are skin conditions that produce small growths on the skin. The laser treatment helps get rid of such growths.


Individual : $100

Angiomas are benign growths that can grow anywhere on the body and increase as one ages. Laser treatments help remove these growths effectively.

Nail Fungus

Pkg of 4 : $900

Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, is an infection of the toenail in which the nail changes color, thickness and quality. In addition to causing an unhealthy appearance, it can also cause pain and difficulty walking. Laser treatment for nail fungus is safe, quick and highly effective.

Laser Hair Reduction


Upper Lip : $450
Chin : $450
Chin & Upper Lip : $700
Sideburns/Cheeks : $850
Under Arms (both) : $700
Bikini Line : $750
Brazillian : $850

Full Back : $2,300
Partial Back : $1,500
Chest : $1,500
Abdomen : $1,500
Legs (both) : $2,300
Legs 1/2 (both) : $1,500
Arms (both) : $1,500
Arms 1/2 (both) : $1,000

Low Downtime

Patients will experience mild redness and discomfort for 48-72 hours.

Safe for all skin types

With this laser we can safely treat people of all skin tones.

Wide range of issues treated

This laser can handle a myriad of issues.

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